Friday, November 29

christmastime in the city

is it a rule in your casa that the christmas décor MUST go up the day after thanksgiving, and not come down until after new years (or mid-February, sometimes?!)? well, the workshop is taking a brief (very brief) break this morning to throw up the décor (i wish i could keep up year-round), and the elves and i needed some music to get us goin'.

i know you, my three readers, wait all year for this day! yippee. but, in full disclosure mode - i caved and started listening to some carols on tuesday night while I was making mashed taters for turkey day.

now, i'm ALWAYS looking for new holiday music. i tend to stick to my tried and trues, so if you know of new stuff that the cool kids are putting out, do tell. my list needs more than 67 songs, dont'cha think?!

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