Monday, March 10


sorry so late with the march playlist - I took a much needed tropical vaycay. and, let me tell you - vitamin d does a body good! so refreshed!

and, here are the tunes for march - all procured from the various tv shows i'm trying to catch up on. plus a few oldies (but super goodies) thrown in for good measure. the yoga teach threw jeff buckley on her playlist recently, and man, was it hard to stay in downward dog, when all i wanted was a microphone. oh, the angst of 1994.

ok - as always - what are you listening to?? anything i have to hear? how are you feeling about daylight savings? i went outside last night at 6 and did a happy dance that it was still light out! wahoo! (which, incidentally, is a fish i tasted for the first time on my trip)


1 comment:

  1. Sunrise isn't until 7am sadly! But at least it stays light later I suppose. How was the wahoo?


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